Archive for May 25th, 2009


The progress in painting

May 25, 2009

It’s suddenly the end of semester again. Exams, demos and stuff. Today, I present the more successfully stained papers I have made during the spring. Sorry about the wavy backgrounds, we don’t have any real paper for painting.


This is where I started from. It’s a scribble with with the wrong end of the brush because I felt I couldn’t use the right one anymore. I was thinking this was a disaster until I discussed my work with the teacher at the exam. From my semester’s paintings, this is the only one that has any expression, individual approach or interpretation in it. Later, I have been drifting towards the photo realism that I really hate, trying to be a good student and put down the anatomy, shadows and highlights as they are. Ugh.

sinine_tydrukShe turned out a little blue, but otherwise I like it. My first try to approach the use of colours in a sensible way, thinking first and then getting the brush. The classmates said, that there is a certain Scandinavian style or touch in the colouring. Haha.

t2di_s8egaA drawing, for a change. Nothing special.

paljas_t2diAnd the same lady nude from the next week. Shiny orange!

pohmaonuI know what you are all thinking. Yes, I also think he had a hangover. Really. But it was fun to paint, with the red nose and all. They took this for the semester exhibition.

sarim6rvar_baretigaThis guy is actually a third year student, I think. The first-graders somehow pissed off the old lady that was supposed to model and then the teacher made him sit there for 1,5 hours. A short time, hence just the portrait. And he DOES look like an axe murderer in real life, too. No artistic exaggeration. I’m quite proud of myself, having achieved the actual likeness, the distinctive angle of eyes and all.

There’s two that are so bad I don’t post them. I’m not a natural born painter and sometimes don’t have the patience. Oh the patience…